The 2010 Election Campaign


Election address to voters


Dear Voters, 


Parliamentary candidates usually say “Vote for me and I’ll set you free”. If they say that don’t trust them and don’t believe them. I say the opposite “Set your self free and then you can vote for me”


How do I do that you might ask? Get organised in your workplace and in your community. Join a union. Join a local community campaign. Support those who are fighting back. Encourage people to act in solidarity with each other.  


Don’t let the banksters grind you down. If you get organised and fight back I will get loads of votes and be your MP. Without your struggles growing and being more organised I have no chance of being elected. The bankster parties will continue to offer to set you free and disappoint you as soon as they get in power.


As soon as the election is over I will be following my own advice – in my union fighting to defend our university from cuts, higher fees and redundancies. Hope we meet again. Next election my supporters and I will be back. Next time you will be stronger and so will we.  


Steve Freeman

Prospective Parliamentary Candidate

Bermondsey and Old Southwark



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